Ahead of joining the Congress party, wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia on Friday tendered resignations from their posts in the Indian Railways. Phogat informed about it on her official X account. “At this juncture in my life, I have decided to separate myself from the railway service and have submitted my resignation to the competent authorities of Indian Railways,” the post read. Expressing heartfelt gratitude, she added, “I will always be thankful to the Indian Railways family for giving me the opportunity to serve the nation.”
Vinesh Phogat to contest Haryana polls
Wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia are set to join the Congress on Friday ahead of the Haryana Assembly polls. Both were part of the protest over sexual harassment allegations against former BJP MP and then Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh in 2023. As per sources, Bajrang Puniya will not be contesting the Assembly Election he is likely to be appointed as the co-chairman of the campaign committee of Haryana Congress for the Haryana Assembly polls and Vinesh Phogat will contest the election.
Vinesh missed medal at Paris Olympics
At the Paris Olympics, Vinesh was disqualified from the 50 kg gold medal bout after she was found to be 100 gms overweight. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) also dismissed her petition to be awarded a joint silver. She announced her retirement from wrestling on August 8, a day after her disqualification. Since her return home there has been intense speculation that she would enter active politics like her cousin Babita who is a BJP MLA.
Vinesh led protests against former WFI president
Vinesh, off the mat, too hit headlines after she led a fierce protest against “government inaction” on the sexual harassment allegations against former Wrestling Federation of India head Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh in 2023. The matter is sub judice now.
ALSO READ: Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia set to join Congress today amid buzz over entering poll fray from Haryana