Actor Pranitha Subhash and her husband, businessman Nitin Raju, have been blessed with a baby boy. The actor, who has been married since 2021, gave birth to their second child recently. Talking to TOI, she called the experience of handling a newborn child ‘chilled out’ the first time around. (Also Read: Pranita Subhash lauds Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone for paving way for working moms as she talks about second pregnancy)
Pranitha Subhash gives birth to baby boy
Pranitha and Nitin got married during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 and had their first child, daughter Arna, in 2022. She announced her second pregnancy in July this year even though fans noticed her bump in pictures and videos she shared on Instagram for her husband’s birthday. Talking to the publication, Pranitha said that Arna was ‘over the moon’ about the new baby, even though she is ‘yet to realise’ this is her brother.
The actor also detailed how she’s better prepared this time around, “When I was pregnant with Arna, I was just listening to everyone’s advice and going with the flow. I didn’t know anything. This time, I feel I am more chilled out as I am sure of myself and what I need to do at any point in time. Yes, there are sleepless nights already, but I am enjoying every bit of the process and nothing is really stressing me out at all.”
The baby countdown
After announcing her second pregnancy, Pranitha shared numerous pictures and videos on her Instagram counting down the days to the birth. She had a cream and lavender-theme baby shower in Bengaluru on August 23 before the birth of her baby. “A baby shower to remember,” she wrote, sharing pictures of the beautiful decor, her husband, daughter and friends. She opted for an ivory floor-length gown for the shower, looking radiant in the pictures.
The couple also went on a babymoon right before the baby was born to spend some quality time together. “A little vacation before things get doubly hectic,” wrote Pranitha, sharing a sweet video from their babymoon. Pranitha is yet to announce the baby’s birth on her social media, but on Wednesday, she shared some pictures of her in pyjamas, writing, “Last of the preggo pictures.”
Pranitha’s filmography
Pranitha took a break from work after marriage and resumed it this year, starring in the Malayalam film Thankamani and Kannada film Ramana Avatara. In 2021, she was last seen in the Hindi film Bhuj: The Pride of India.