West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday again wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding stringent central legislation with exemplary punishment for perpetrators of rape.
She said, “No reply was received from your, end on such a sensitive issue. However, a reply has been received from the Minister of Women and Child Development government of India (vide the No 1/RESC/HMWCD-2024 deed 25 August 2024), which barely attends the gravity of the issue raised in my letter. I am of the thought that the seriousness of the subject to the society have not been adequately appreciated while sending out this generic reply.
Seven days ago, the West Bengal Chief Minister had written to PM Modi.
“It is horrifying to see this trend. It shakes the confidence and conscience of society and the nation. It is our bounden duty to put an end to it so that women feel safe and secure. Such a serious and sensitive issue needs to be addressed comprehensively through stringent central legislation that prescribes exemplary punishment for those involved in these dastardly crimes,” the letter read. Banerjee also proposed the establishment of fast-track special courts for speedy trials in these cases. “To ensure quick justice, trials should preferably be completed within 15 days,” she suggested.