Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal is all set to return to the IIFA stage. This time as host alongside superstar Shah Rukh Khan and filmmaker Karan Johar. The 24th edition of the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) 2024 will be held in Abu Dhabi. Also read: IIFA 2024 full list of nominations: Ranbir Kapoor, Ranveer get Best Actor nods; Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt for Actress
Along with his hosting duties, the actor will also get on the stage to show his dance moves on his hit song, Tauba Tauba.
Vicky super charged up
The actor shared his excitement about co-hosting and performing at the 24th edition of the IIFA festival in a statement.
Vicky said, “IIFA has been an important part in my journey, a remarkable celebration of cinematic excellence, and a gathering of the brightest talent and visionaries in Indian cinema. Every time I step onto the IIFA stage, it’s pure magic”.
“Returning to IIFA at the breath-taking Yas Island, Abu Dhabi – a place where entertainment knows no limits – is an experience I’ve eagerly anticipated. I’ll try this time too to ignite the stage with fresh energy and create unforgettable memories with the amazing IIFA family. The anticipation, the fans, and the celebration of cinema make it truly special. This year is set to be one for the history books,” he added.
Earlier, Shah Rukh shared his views about taking hosting duties, saying, “IIFA is a celebration of Indian cinema that resonates across the globe and being a part of its journey over the years has been amazing. I look forward to bringing the energy, passion, and grandeur of IIFA to life once again, as we gear up for an unforgettable celebration of Indian cinema this September!”
About the awards
IIFA 2024 will be a three-day affair, running from September 27 to September 29. The first day (September 27) is the day of IIFA Utsavam, which will celebrate the four South Indian film industries. Day 2 (September 28) is the night of the IIFA Awards. The last day of the festivities, September 29, is dedicated to IIFA Rocks for the music industry. The upcoming edition is expected to be star-studded like always. Actor Shahid Kapoor will also be on stage as a star performer.