Devara Part 1’s new song titled ‘Daavudi’ is finally unveiled. Featuring the lead cast of the film, Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor, the peppy number is composed by Anirudh Ravichander and sung by Nakash Aziz and Akasa. Earlier this year, the makers teased the film’s fans with a poster of the song. After the success of the hit track ‘Fear Song’ and recently released ‘Chuttamalle’, the makers finally unveiled the third of the upcoming film. In the song, JR NTR and Janhvi Kapoor’s sizzling chemistry can be seen along with energetic dance moves.
Watch the song here:
Film’s release date
The film was earlier released on the occasion of Eid 2024, however, due to late VFX works, the film has been postponed. Later, the makers announced October 10, 2024, as its release date which was pre-poned to September 27. A report that went viral recently stated that Bobby Deol will also be seen in the end of Devara: Part 1 and in its second installment both Saif and Bobby will have meaty roles as antagonists.
Box office clash
More deets about Devara Part 1
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