SSR Chairtable Trust founder and industrialist Sura Srinivasa Rao on Friday distributed clay Ganesh idols at Navabharat junction. In a meeting organised by Balaji Walkers Club in Bankers’ Colony of Vizianagaram, Avanapu Suribabu Charitable Foundation president Avanapu Vikram distributed Ganesh idols made up of clay to the devotees. SPARK nongovernmental organisation’s president P.V.Padmanabham members Pydi Bhavani and P.Lakshmi distributed around 5,000 idols to the devotees in various places of Vizianagaram.
Jana Sena Party leader Gurana Ayyalu and other party leaders distributed the idols near Vizianagaram-APSRTC complex. Vasavi Foundation president Mandavilli Venkata Raju and others distributed them at Sri Saibaba temple of Ring Road-Vizianagaram.
Published – September 06, 2024 06:31 pm IST