Union Home Minister Amit Shah released the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) manifesto for the upcoming Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Elections 2024 in Jammu. The document outlines the party’s promises and future plans to boost development, security, and economic growth in the region. Shah emphasized the BJP’s commitment to bringing stability and progress to Jammu and Kashmir, ensuring that the region continues on its path of integration with India.
Shah emphasised the BJP’s long-standing position on Jammu and Kashmir while unveiling the party’s manifesto for the 2024 Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections. Shah highlighted the historical significance of the region for the BJP, referencing the efforts of Pandit Prem Nath Dogra and Syama Prasad Mookerjee.Â
“Since Independence, the issue of Jammu and Kashmir has remained important for our party, and we’ve always tried to keep this region with India,” Shah said, reiterating the BJP’s commitment to ensuring that Jammu and Kashmir remains an integral part of the country. He added that the party’s struggle for the region’s integration was carried forward by both Jana Sangh and the BJP.Â
Shah underscored that Jammu and Kashmir “has always been a part of India and will remain so,” affirming the BJP’s determination to secure the region’s future within India.
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